Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hate to say this on a blog

I have just decided to use a wiki with all my students instead of a blog, and I hate to post this on my own blog. I have just discovered that a wiki is more organized in terms of structure and navigation. I could organize the resources for each of my classes with no worry about them being pushed into a visual oblivion after a few months. (As you all know, a blog organizes postings in a chronological order.) I also feel that a wiki is a lot more flexible in terms of embedding audio and video files. Over the next few weeks and months, 'interaction' is going to be the buzz word for my students. I would ask them to edit lab report exemplars on their class wiki, and I would strongly encourage student-led discussions on Edmodo. They would discuss the different aspects of writing a comprehensive lab report on Edmodo. I would also like to use Twitter with my junior and senior chemistry students as they have greater liberty than the rest of my students to use internet in their homes. For all classroom presentations, they would rather use Glogster and Screencast instead of PowerPoint and Keynote.

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